To celebrate the five year existence of the German Kommando 6 label specialized in dark elektro music, Simulacron magazine / network released this DVD. The disc features ten video clips made by / with / for Kommando 6 artists. Both new and already released tracks are visualized. Next to the video clips there are two live shots (one of RA-X and one of XNDL) and two historical promo clips for the label.
Video highlights are the Black Spider Clan (‘Living in a Twilight’), Dystronic (‘Past Industry’) and Alex Nôrinh (‘Paranoia Pays’) clips. Musically the highlights are the industrial track by Manasyt (‘Izon Industries’) and the dark elektro piece by Beta Evers (‘Angry Woman’).
The clips differ in quality and originality. For example the true craftmanship of Edwin Brienen is evident in his videofilm ‘Das Absolute Böse’ for Der Unsichtbare. But, overall the collection of videos on this DVD is a nice one.
Dark Shots is a good way to celebrate the work of Kommando 6. You can see both Beta Evers (head of Kommando 6 and first time in The Netherlands) and RA-X live in The Netherlands on Friday 8th september at 013 in Tilburg.