Von Thronstahl – Imperium Internum

Von Thronstahl uses controversy as a form of art. Therefore Cold Spring, home to diverse cultural terrorists as Grey Wolves, Laibach or Folkstorm, is a suited label to re-release the first two albums of Joseph Klumb’s project, “Imperium Internum” and “E Pluribus Unum”. Apart from irritating political correct factions, Von Thronstahl also knows how to create impressive music. Their best work in my opinion remains their debut “Imperium Internum”.

Originally released in 2000, the 14 tracks of this album are now available in a digipack format. Musicwise the cd contains mostly martial neo-classic hymns with Eurocentric themes. Von Thronstahl is often compared to the likes of Turbund Sturmwerk, Laibach or Blood Axis. The orchestral tracks, which sound alternatively warlike and romantic, often achieve impressive effects. The accessible synthetic classical melodies are created by Raymond P., also known for Days of the Trumpet Call. Added are heavy percussion, choirs, guitars and deep dramatic vocals. The orchestral pieces are alternated with a few softer folky pieces (for instance ‘Heimaterde, Mutterboden, Vaterland’) and some harsher tracks with industrial elements (like ‘Sturmzeit’). There are also some soundscape-like moments, like ‘Atlantisches Tief’. All in all this is a varied and strong album which does not sound dated yet.

artist: Von Thronstahl
label: Cold Spring
details: 14 tracks, 2000/2004 [CSR32CD]