For a long time Voxus Imp was just an obscure name from the past for me. In recent times this project has come more to the foreground, with a performance at the Wave Gotik Treffen and two reissues. Last year the old tape “Runen” already got a new vinyl release on Mjölnir Tonkunst. Now Eis & Licht has rereleased the LP “Idafeld” (1998) on cd with a bonus track and remastered sound.
Again Voxus Imp displays ritual themes and sounds, inspired by ancient northern mythology. The digipack contains a text about religion, gods and the force of rituals. In classical Icelandic literature, ‘Idafeld’ is the symbol of the everlasting. But also without having an academic knowledge of these themes this album can be appreciated.
The label names Werkbund, Coil and Hybryds as possible musical references. The music is mostly created by electronic means, with influences from folk and classical music. Subtle ambient layers are combined with ritual percussion, samples, field recordings and some fierce spoken words. The compositions are varied but not very melodic, they resemble more soundscape collages or ritual mantras, often hypnotic or perhaps even psychedelic.
The first track ‘Opfergang’ is excellent. It starts by building a mysterious atmosphere, followed by a solemn symphonic melody in the vein of Leger des Heils. The song is ended by rather martial male vocals reminding of Orplid (of course Voxus Imp was earlier than these two projects). The last track, ‘Donarsdagr’ is also recommended, a powerful hymn to the gods with a loud bass guitar by Henryk Vogel (Darkwood), monotonous drumming and repeated vocals. In between these two tracks Voxus Imp offers mainly instrumental soundscapes with an atmospheric and meditative sound, some more accessible than others.
It is a good thing that this sound document is saved from obscurity. People with an interest in mythology or original ritual music should descend to the mythical world of Voxus Imp. Not an album for a large audience, but certainly an interetsing listening experience. I’m curious about which other old gems Eis & Licht will reissue in their new “Dokumente” series.
“Nur der Ritus verleiht die Fähigkeit, durch das Besondere das Mannigfaltige zu erfassen. Die Annäherung geschieht durch das Darbringen des Opfers und die daraus folgende Überwindung der gegebenen Grenzen, initiiert durch ein Mittel der geistigen Überhöhung, der Musik.”