The first track of ‘Arcane elitism’ sounds very orchestral and bombastic, think of Puissance. The other pieces are more restrained neo-classical tracks, often floating and ethereal. Most songs are created by electronic means, with additional classical guitar, snare drum and male and female vocals and choirs on some tracks. Acts like Die Verbannten Kinder Evas or Arcana spring to mind.
This release contains eight tracks recorded between 1997 and 2001, lasting less than 40 minutes, which is enough. The cd comes in a nice looking thin dvd-type case. I think xARKANEx is mostly a one man project of ‘IkonX’, who is helped by guest musicians, including Evi and Spyridon of labelmates Daemonia Nymphe.
Medieval, symphonic and ambient music which is created in a solid manner. Solemn, atmospheric and cinematic.