Death in June started in the early 80’s. Frontman Douglas P. was earlier in the leftwing punkband Crisis, just as Tony wakeford, who left Death In June later to form Sol Invictus. Another early members was Patrick Leagas, who later began his own project Six Comm. Death In June has always been surrounded by controversy, mainly because of the heavy use of Nazi/militaristic imagery.
The sound on the early DIJ albums is rather gothic, for example on the classic album “Nada”. Famous songs of that time are for instance ‘Black New York’ and ‘In the torture garden’. Later they changed their style to acoustic folk, with albums like “Rose clouds of Holocaust” and their masterpiece “But what ends when the symbol shatters?”. Recently their sound has changed again, probably because Albin Julius (Der Blutharsch) has joined forces with Douglas P for two albums. “Take care and control” sounds more powerful and ritual, just like the follow-up release “Operation Hummingbird”. On the latest album “All Pigs Must Die” Douglas works together with Andreas Ritter of Forseti, creating a folky sound. The second half of the album though contains noisy experiments. The main theme of this album is the breach with the World Serpent label, now they are represented by Tesco Organisation.
A good compilation is “Discriminate”, a double album spanning their pre-Take care and control career. There also exists a nice DIJ tribute album entitled “Heilige Tod” on the Italian Palace of Worms label.
Selective discography:
- The guilty have no pride (1983)
- Burial (1984)
- Nada! (1985)
- Night and Fog (live, 1986)
- Lesson 1: Misanthropy (1986)
- The World That Summer (1986)
- Brown Book (1987)
- Oh how we laughed (live, 1987)
- 93 Dead Sunwheels (remixes, 1989)
- The Corn Years (compilation, 1989)
- The wall of Sacrifice (1990)
- But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter? (1992)
- Ostenbraun (with LJDLP, 1992)
- Something is Coming (live, 1993)
- Rose Clouds of Holocaust (1995)
- Discriminate (compilation, 1997)
- Take Care and Control (1998)
- Heilige! (live, 1999)
- Operation Hummingbird (2000)
- All Pigs Must Die (2001)