M.L. Acosta

"¿Por qué?" / "Why?" (2002) - 100 x 80 cm. Oil painting

Manuel López Acosta was born in Malaga (Spain), in 1944. In his childhood he first lived in northern Africa, then in the Pyrenees of Huesca and later in Catalonia, where he lived with intensity through the social changes of the political Spanish transition. Nowadays he has domicile in Plan (Huesca) and Premia de Mar (Barcelona). He is co-founder of the Group Ecologist “Pi de Llobregat” and integrates the electoral lists of the groups ecologist “Green Alternative” and “The Greens”.

At the age of 18 he is teached by master Eduard Tarrega, where he perfects his drawing and painting. He begins his participation in exhibitions and contest. Acosta was influenced by socially critical artists, as Honoré Daumier. Expressionism, the “black” Goya, Magritte, Schiele and the symbolic art of artists as Von Stuck or Caspar Friedrich outline his current style.

More paintings and info: www.mlacosta.net.

"Atado" / "Tied man" (2002) - 73 x 65 cm. Oil painting

"Mineros" / "Miners" (2002) - 120x80 cm. Oil painting